Travel Insurance for Athletes: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

It’s common for athletes to travel overseas for sports events. While most of them have an insurance policy that covers them in their home country, many athletes avoid purchasing Travel Insurance for Athletes. This insurance policy is often considered a waste of money especially if the athletes are abroad for a short while.

However, life is uncertain, and an unfortunate mishap may leave you under a mile-long medical bill and possibly hamper your career.

So, if you are an athlete or if you have a team of sportsmen. Here is why a Travel Insurance for Athletes is necessary, and what you need to know before you purchase it.

Benefits of Travel Insurance for Athletes.

Let’s start with the pros of having this insurance.

Active coverage: Travel Insurances for Athletes can cover almost all competitive sports. Be it a solo sport or a team sport. You will find a plan that fulfils your needs.

Baggage Loss: While traveling overseas, if you lose your luggage or sports gear, this insurance can cover the incurred loss.

Total Medical Coverage: This insurance policy covers your entire treatment cost, right from doctor’s fees to hospital room costs and prescription drugs.

Covid-19 Coverage: Travel Insurance for Athletes, offers protection against the coronavirus while you travel for sports events abroad.

Acute Onset of Pre-existing condition: If you have a pre-existing condition, chances are your policy may cover the acute onset of the condition while you are playing overseas.

Trip Cancellations: If your trip abroad is cancelled, and if you have trip cancelation coverage the insurance can cover the insured trip cost. 

Buying Travel Insurance for Athletes.

There are plenty of travel insurances covering sports and other leisure activities. But if you are a Professional or Semi-Professional athlete, you may know that there are very limited plans covering professional sportsmen/sportswomen.

One of the reasons is, offering coverage to athletes can be risky as the possibility of injury or accidents is more compared to a regular person.

However, this does not mean that you have no insurers. Some insurance companies in the market offer Travel Insurance for Athletes. These companies cover a list of sports mentioned in the policies, if you wish to have coverage for injuries incurred during Amateur, Club, Intramural, Interscholastic, Intercollegiate activities. You may have to pay a certain percent of additional premium, for an Athletic sports rider. The same goes if you need to add a particular sport to a certain Travel Insurance for Athletes.

So, it’s best to take a deeper look, validate your options and select a policy that covers your sport. This will save you from the pressure of paying an additional premium.

Inclusions and Exclusions.

A very big part of the insurance industry relies on terms and conditions of Inclusion and exclusion.

Below are the sports which are included and excluded in almost all Sports Travel insurance for Athletes.


Ballet; Baseball; Cheerleading; Cross Country; Diving; Equestrian; Fencing; Field Hockey; Golf; Polo (Horse); Polo (Water); Rowing; Softball; Surfing; Swimming; Tennis; Track & Field; Volleyball; Basketball; Competitive Cycling (Road, Track, CX); Ice Hockey; Inline Skating (Helmet & Proper Equipment Required); Lacrosse; Martial Arts/Karate; Modern Pentathlon; Skiing (Slalom, Giant Slalom, Downhill); Ski Jumping; Wrestling; Football (No Division One); Gymnastics; Rugby (No Division One); Soccer.


All the sports that are not mentioned in the above list.

Remember you must pay an additional premium on a daily/ monthly basis for the coverage of the above-mentioned sports. Also, never forget to read the fine print of your policy before purchase.

Some of the Best Plans Available.

  • Safe Travels USA Cost Saver
  • Safe Travel USA Comprehensive – Best Travel Insurance for Athletes.
  • Atlas Travel.
  • iTravelinsured Travel Sport.
  • Diplomat America.

Where to get Travel Insurance for Athletes?

There are online insurance providers that offer Travel Insurance for Athletes. If you are traveling to

the US, or you are a US athlete traveling abroad, you may want to consider Visitor Guard®. Athletes looking for the best Travel Insurance for Athletes, will be able to choose the perfect policy with the help of the insurance professionals in the USA.

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