Stephen Orso and Peter Ashley of Loyalty : “Mood” by 24k Goldn and Iann Dior ,produced with Kbeazy bring in their inventiveness Billboard #1
Loyalty plans to continue to round out its roster with an emphasis on multi-dimensional artists, songwriters, and producers that they believe can achieve the…
Stephen Orso and Peter Ashley of Loyalty records rake in their novelty Billboard #1 with Kbeazy produced “Mood” by 24k Goldn and Iann Dior
Loyalty Records, an sovereign record label, management and publishing company founded by home-town pals Stephen Orso and Peter Ashley, has been seeing great opulence…
Stephen Orso: an unconventional entrepreneur who is redefining the music industry
The rise of the information age also produced a new kind of entrepreneur: independent, tenacious and resourceful. Widespread connectivity and the ability to analyze…