Songbird and inspirational artist Apryl is kicking her music career into full drive. With a new single in the works, she is determined to show the world that she has a message that is worth listening to. Infusing R & B, gospel and soul into her sound, the Jersey artist continues to put her best foot forward in order to spark healing for her listeners. I caught up with Apryl for a candid conversation to discuss her plans for the future and how she balances being a mother, wife and professional singer. Check it out below.
Apryl Interview
When people hear your music, what do you hope listeners take away from it?
I hope that people hear that you can make it through anything you experience if you make up your mind to believe you can make it.
Before you were doing music, what was your profession? I’ve been singing since I was 2. Aside from previously working in the late 90’s- early 2000’s I worked in the music industry. However, I have always held some position that helped people. I was a youth worker, CPS worker, I ran a juvenile program and for the last 5 years I have worked as a mental health professional.
How does it feel being named as an artist to watch for 2022?
It feels amazing and is confirmation of the hard work I put in with sleepless nights, failed plans, and the events I have missed to work on my craft.
What is it like creating music with your husband as he is a music producer?
Music is our safe space so working with him gives me the comfort to talk about my experiences.
How do you balance being a mother, wife and professional singer?
I give each my all and I have learned to be honest when I can’t give my all.
What is one thing the world does not know about you?
That I am very shy despite what they see.
What can we expect next from you?
I have a single coming out in early October, “Bruised Girl” . This song speaks about my experience living in a home with domestic violence and looking for a safe place and to belong. However, this song also speaks to the healing and resilience I embody.
Apryl promises to continue being a healing voice in the music industry, as she gets closer to becoming a household name. To keep up with all things Apryl be sure to follow her on social media @iam.apryl.