Real Estate is one of the top growing sectors in the world, and it will continue to grow in future too. It is because of the high increase in the population nowadays. People may need to move to a different house or office, because of the location or due to increase in number of family members or due to any reason. That means this industry is always booming. In Vancouver, Canada, this industry is male dominated. A very few women have made career in this industry in Vancouver.
Among such women who have aced the game of real estate business is Rimpy Hothi. Rimpy is a real estate agent and owner of the ‘Rimpy Hothi PREC‘, which is a personal real estate corporation. Rimpy is among top 1% realtor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Achieving that milestone requires years of constant struggle and experience in the real estate business. Being in top 1% in a male dominated industry is very challenging, Rimpy’s dedication made it possible for her to overcome all the challenges she faced with dignity.
Rimpy’s journey had many ups and downs. She had a lot of barriers to cross, to become a successful real estate agent. There were many situations where realtor’s have tried to sabotage her work by flipping her signs, threatening her not to do business in certain areas and claiming that these areas are theirs to do the business. Many also tried bullying her out of her work. For Rimpy, she had to work as well as she had to deal with such people who have created monopoly of work, and do not welcome anyone outside their circle specially women.
Rimpy Hothi not only faced these challenges but also went on to win Million Dollar Award 2018-2021, Master Medallion Award, President Award 2008-2021 and became top 1% realtor in Vancouver. Many tried to divert her customers by lying and making false claims. But, Rimpy paid no attention to those people and keep up the good work that is based on truth and hard work. Rimpy’s struggle is all about women empowerment and female dominance in the real estate business or any other field.
In Short, Rimpy is one of the best real estate agent running her successful real estate agency in Vancouver, if you are looking to buy and sell your dream job or anything easily, in timely manner and satisfactory. She is changing the game for women in Vancouver, setting the bar with being the best and highest paid, along with destroying stereotypes on women in the work field. Rimpy’s job is to empower other women to get up and become something against what regular standards believe. She is an inspiration for many young women who want to pursue the career in real estate.