Reputation Management for the Digital World with Status Labs

Status Labs is a digital PR firm with its headquarters located in Austin, Texas. They also have locations in London, Los Angeles, New York City, and São Paulo. Since 2012, they’ve been helping companies with personal and company reputation management services and search engine optimization (SEO) services. The company’s current CEO is Darius Fisher. Sought out as a leading crisis communication professional, Fisher created reputation labs with the overarching goal of helping people and companies improve their digital reputation. Status Labs is a rapidly growing corporation and has represented many Fortune 500 companies. 

Why is Reputation Management Important?

Without reputation management services, companies, executives, and even individuals would often be the victims of misinformation that spreads like wildfire. If you’ve ever had someone make a claim that could ruin your reputation, business, or livelihood, you’ve experienced the negative effects of false or exaggerated claims. Damaging information in the digital age can quickly make its way to the front page of Google results. Since studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of users never click beyond the first page, this information when duplicated can mean that your company or personal reputation will probably suffer to some extent. Status Labs and reputation management seek to improve your reputation and can help with the removal of negative information. 

More About Personal Reputation in the Digital World

If you’re a business owner, executive, or manager, people rely on you for many things including employment. When your name is associated with an entity or even if you are someone in a position of authority, negative information associated with your name is never good. People tend to associate names with businesses and it creates a domino effect that can lead to decreases in revenue. If a rumor or exaggerated information spreads to individuals outside of the business or organization, it can have devastating effects on interpersonal relationships as well. 

Your Company Has its Own Reputation and it Needs Protecting

Many businesses rely on the digital world to provide for them. Unfortunately, it can deprive them as well without due care. If people are regularly looking up your company online, they’re also seeing the other information associated with it. The reality is that they’ll see what Google considers relevant and important and everything else takes a backseat. This means they’ll see reviews and any news associated with your business, and it’s almost always displayed front and center on the first page. If your business has had a recent upset, it’s important that it’s addressed and handled in the proper manner. It could make or break the business in many cases. That’s where the expertise of Status Labs comes in. They’ll be able to handle these matters, so you’ll be able to move on and continue business as usual.

How SEO Factors into the Puzzle

SEO is important for several reasons. Your business or personal information must be found when searched for online. Without SEO, there’s a good chance your website or information won’t be found. SEO also finds information when keywords are searched. If your company or personal information comes up associated with negative searches, that must be addressed as well. SEO can be a blessing or a curse and when handled by experts, you’ll be thankful it exists. Many companies have thrived when they simply had the right marketing and people helping with their digital presence. 

Status Labs Can Help with DIY Reputation Management and Beyond

Status Labs offers a blog on reputation management and many helpful tips for steps that you can take to improve your SEO and other online endeavors. They’ll be happy to do the rest, so you can focus on yourself and growing your business. They also offer information and services on how to have your information removed from harmful websites that focus solely on damaging information. Get in touch with them and see how quickly they can help you, today.

Dennis Golden: