Release of a new sampler by Teenage Engineering

Swedish firm High school Designing has delivered another instrument.

The EP-133 K.O. II is a versatile sampler, looper and sequencer with a coordinated receiver and speaker, and space for 999 examples. It includes a channel, pitch control, sound system impacts and a blower. It’s styled to look like a 1970s work area mini-computer, and in numerous ways is an update of a previous sampler that Young Designing delivered in the Pocket Administrator series.

The EP-133 K.O. II offers six sound system voices (12 mono), 64 meg of memory six expert FX and 12 punch-in FX, constrained by a framework of tension touchy keys (with polyphonic aftertouch) and one fader. It tests at 46 kHz in 16 bit. Associations remember a sound system for and out, sync in and out and MIDI over USB-C.

All controls can be mechanized and recorded. Tunes of up to 80,000 notes can be created. You can likewise run it on four AAA batteries and it’s just 16mm thick, so it’s exceptionally versatile. At this moment, it likewise arrives in a 10″ gatherers’ container.

Young Designing has delivered around twelve renditions of the Pocket Administrator, including drum machines, synths and samplers. The primary showed up in 2015 as a coordinated effort with the now-old dress line Modest Monday. The main Pocket Administrator that could test sound was known as the PO-33 K.O!, so the name of this new instrument is a sign of approval for that.

This might demonstrate that Young Designing is wanting to deliver a scope of instruments in this new, bigger organization. Teen Designing affirmed that the “EP” for the sake of this new gadget means “Expanded Play,” which could be the name of an impending scope of instruments.

Kajal Chavan: