He says
One of the things to keep in mind about music theory is that music came into being first. And in the meantime, there is no chicken or egg. Music existed thousands of years ago. The theory is that if a person beats his drums, what sound will he make in order to produce it?
So never think that you can not be a good musician because you did not go to a theory class or did not know theory. Basically, if you are a good musician / musician. You probably already know a lot about music theory. You do not know only the words and its technical principles.
The concepts and rules that make up music theory are very similar to the rules of grammar. Which show the order behind the written language. Grammar, like music theory, came into being when people were fully trained to speak. Only the ability to describe the structural order of language has made it possible for distant people to “hear” conversations and stories as the author intended. Overwriting music by theory allows composers and musicians to read and play music as its creator intended.
Learning to sing music is a lot like learning a new language, in that you can “hear” a musical “conversation” while playing a piece of music.
There are many people in the world who can not read or write, but can convey their thoughts and feelings well verbally. As many intuitive and self-taught musicians and musicians have never learned to read or write music. And in general, learning music theory is considered tedious and unnecessary. However, just like the leaps that learning to read and write a new language can make in our learning process. Music theory can also help musicians learn new techniques. And perform styles of music they are unfamiliar with. Knowing music theory can also give an artist the confidence to try new things.
If you are on the path of music and you want to choose an instrument for yourself. There have probably been people who have advised you to learn music theory. Music theory is essentially the study of the grammar of music. Music theory examines the elements that make up a piece of music, including notes, keyboards, pitch, and chords.

Many music teachers believe that music theory is a fundamental principle in a balanced educational process. And they usually put theory in part of their lessons. On the other hand, some believe that learning music theory does not make a person perform better as a musician. Therefore, they consider it unnecessary.
Opponents of music theory claim that learning music theory is futile. They also believe that this is harmful to the musician and composer. Music theory seems to involve musicians in a kind of mental framework and following the rules in this framework. This limits music, which should not be considered an art with a free spirit and full of possibilities.
This view is valid only insofar as the musician fully adheres to the conventions and rules of the framework of music theory. Otherwise, this assumption is very limiting. Which can be translated into the fact that all musicians who have extensive knowledge of music theory are mindless robots that are programmed to follow a certain logic in their music away from any creativity.