Practical tips to successfully work from home during the lockdown, shared by dynamic & successful businessman Maziar Rajabi

Learn how to successfully ace the game of working from home during lockdown from leading entrepreneur Maziar Rajabi.

A kid who saw his father work at the bank rigorously for many years every day doing an 8-hour shift made him believe that he was born to do something bigger & better. Maziar Rajabi did not want to limit his career opportunities by doing a regular standard job. He always wanted to become an entrepreneur & for that he constantly pursued his goal by working towards it after completing his education. Hailing from Kurdistan Province of Iran, in the city of Divandareh, Rajabi always knew the various growth opportunities his hometown possessed. So, since the time he realised his dream, Rajabi did a lot of research to set up his business & expand it later. He not only worked in the marketing & IT fields but later also joined Iraq’s International Business Advisory for foreign companies as a senior advisor.

Rajabi today leads the industry by being an expert in marketing & maintaining exceptional relations with his customers. He consistently explores many different ideas to implement in his business & is a successful Kurdish Iranian Entrepreneur based in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Let us have a look at what this leading businessman has to say in terms of the tips to work from home during the lockdown successfully.

  • Deal with the distractions at home: When you know you have been deployed to work from your company to work from home, it goes without saying that there will be inevitable distractions. It could be from your children, partner, TV, doorbells, etc. but Rajabi insists that keeping aside all these distractions, one must learn to deal with it & continue working.
  • Have an entrepreneurial mindset: When the world faces a crucial time, it affects the world economy as well. To be with the company as an employee but working with them having an entrepreneurial mindset is extremely essential, according to Rajabi. He wants people to see the work as if it’s their own business. This will help the employee & the company to thrive together & make the business survive.
  • Remain in contact with your team: Be in touch with your team in the firm other than the usual virtual meetings & conferences via various technologies. Rajabi also insists that one must check with their colleagues whether they are coping well with the current situations & provide them with some assistance if needed.
  • Exercise regularly: People who are not used to staying at home working for long hours & are used to travelling every day for work; this might get quite difficult for them. Hence, Rajabi suggests people to resort to some kind of exercises to keep them moving even at home & help them in keeping their spirits high to cope up with the stress of working from home during a lockdown as it will help in relieving their mental stress as well.

Staying at home especially facing a pandemic & working from home is a tough job for both the companies & the employees hence, Rajabi urges people to talk it out their struggles to others & also adopt a positive attitude towards everything, just as he did in his early years of struggle in the business. Today Rajabi stands tall in his life with a successful career & encourages people to not fear the obstacles & overcome them with grit & vigour.

Follow Maziar Rajabi on Instagram and Facebook @Maziar.Rajabi

Ida Taylor: