
Pixotope Pocket is a Smartphone Virtual Production Tool

Pixotope Pocket is a Smartphone Virtual Production Tool

Pixotope has announced the general public release of Pixotope Pocket, a smartphone application that instantly provides real-time virtual production solutions.

Pixotope Pocket’s mission is to democratize the production of immersive content by offering simple, unrestricted access to virtual studio (VS) and augmented reality (AR) tools and workflows. Without a fully functional studio, users can create powerful and immersive content anywhere they are with just an iOS smartphone, a Windows PC, and a Pixotope Graphics license.

Originally, Pixotope Pocket was made available as a teaching tool as part of the worldwide Pixotope Education Program.

Pixotope Pocket was early in its adoption by Gloucester University and other participating institutions in the Pixotope Education Program. It was incorporated into their curricula to teach students the fundamentals of virtual production. The next generation of content creators is better prepared for the changing demands of the digital world thanks to this approach, which has given students more hands-on experience with augmented reality (AR) and virtual studio (VS) tools.


Pixotope Pocket eliminates the need for tracking gear, software, and broadcast cameras, in contrast to conventional AR and VS workflows. Anyone can record video with their smartphone’s camera, and Pixotope Pocket handles the camera tracking. It accomplishes this by fusing sophisticated scene processing, camera scene capture, and device motion tracking. Video and tracking data are sent to the local PC running Pixotope Graphics via SRT stream over a local network.

Pixotope Pocket opens up a world of possibilities for creatives across multiple operating systems and is currently available for iOS with plans to expand to Android platforms.

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