By optimizing new tech like the metaverse, he and his company are taking the sports niche to exponential levels of success.

The closer we look around ourselves, the more we see how most of the industries today are on a constant growth pedestal. Ever wondered what could have helped these industries attain massive growth and development? Well, there are innumerable factors, but no one can deny how heavily a few rare gems and intelligent entrepreneurs lead their respective sectors to unimaginable success levels, even after being in for only a few short years in the business world. Doing that and much more is a one-of-a-kind business owner and innovator named Mykel Darrough, who has been heavily contributing to the world of sports with his unique sports organization named Truly Grand Sports.
It won’t be wrong to say that Truly Grand Sports is now creating a new sports wave with metaverse technology alongside Joshua Gumbiner and Paul Dougherty. Speaking on the same, Mykel Darrough says, “The world is moving digital, and how could the sports niche remain behind?” He says that it was high time for the industry to go beyond doing the usual, which is why they decided to leverage the power of new technologies today like the metaverse technology, which can work in the favour of athletes and create more opportunities for growth for them.
Mykel Darrough, who graduated from Swartz Creek High School, is inspiring many other budding talents to inspire innovation and create more developments and positive changes in the sports industry. The man behind Flint Community Schools, who has a huge hand in the education sector in Flint, Michigan, in 2017, was named the Innovator of the year by Auloni Magazine for all the right reasons.
Now, Mykel Darrough wants to see Truly Grand Sports at the top of the sports industry with technology, something perhaps no other sports organization has managed to do. He aims to create new ways to monetize in the sports industry, creating several opportunities for athletes.
To find out more information on his ventures, follow him on Instagram now @trulygrand_myke.