Max Weiss, the renowned Digital Marketer, feels AI and Machine Learning is essential for Digital Marketers

Automation and Machine Learning is the future of IT. It will add more feathers in IT and more comfort to technology users. Now the question is for Digital Marketers how they think about these two new things.

We got a chance to talk with young Digital Marketer Max Weiss, founder of  Weiss Consulting & Marketing company regarding AI & Machine Learning.

Max Weiss started by saying every new thing is good for our world as it will make our work easy. It will improve companies decision power, and it will help them invest, and it will also help clients get more returns on their investments.

Adding to the point Max Weiss continued by saying it will speed up analyses and complete tasks in a short time. It will minimize your budget on Ad spendings and give good returns on investments. AI will improve margins and bottom-line revenues of clients.

With this, people will create optimal campaigns. More accurate projections with better decision making because of AI. 

According to Max Weiss AI will discover new opportunities. You can apply data from one client to another. It will help people make fast decisions with more perfections. You can place the right ads to the right potential customers.

Max Weiss feels constant improvement and optimization of the technology will significantly avail clients analytics strategy.

Like any creative being, AI needs maturation and a lot of expertise to accumulate its capability to problem-solve. 

Read it time, and again, consider this all a very well-calculated investment in your company and your team. So nothing to worry just according to time and new technology.

Max Weiss feels the following scenarios for AI will get companies, and digital marketers fired up. Everyone looking forward to AI as it is the future of technology.

According to Max Weiss, AI is not that tough, and there is nothing to fear. Yes unless Robots takes control over our world.

Ida Taylor: