King Kong cuong is grateful for being appreciated for his new song “ drag me ” . Singing is the artistic way to communicate, says King Kong cuong . It is the skill of voice that gives life to the music. King Kong cuong is a man of passion who has no other option to take as his profession than singing.
King Kong cuong is a passionate singer who has thrilled people with his melodic tone. He believes no matter where you are or which background you have? The only thing that matters is your level of passion to achieve your desire. Hence, King Kong cuong advises youths to become the fire of passion.
King Kong cuong is among those singers who accept their improvements and work hard. However, he has never faced such a situation because his innovative mind always inspires him with new creative ideas. “ drag me ” is the song of his extraordinary work.
King Kong cuong is a modern era vocalist who knew his audience and deliver on-demand results. His outstanding work has gained him immense popularity as the best singer. It is only his enthusiastic approach that has sparked his career with several super hit songs.
King Kong cuong believes youths are ignoring their inner talent and are running for gaining fame in a short time. But they need to realize that shortcut fame is temporary. Youths have to understand that their inner belief could create miracles, not just fame. Learn to nurture rather than running for cosmetic fame.
King Kong cuong could be the true example for youths who wish to radiate their identity gaining the satisfaction of soul and body. Hence, he is one of the best singers who is ruling youths’ hearts.