With the crisis upon us. many online streaming services are getting extremely unstable and sky rocketing there prices. Making it difficult and money-over-music saturated…….basically in a nut shell the more you pay! the more you get exposure. and this makes it incredibly difficult for artists and production companies to find and discover the latest content as there is a lot of talent being born in difficult places that cant afford to keep up with these subscriptions fees. after extensive research in to many companies it seems like the only company that really offers a bang for your $ is blaststreams. spotify and soundcloud. the digital error is changing. especially with the digital dollar being introduced. could new streaming services like Blast Streams be the answer as they have the lowest fees ive seen out there. like seriously. Its Definitely worth your time looking in too and giving it a shot. I already sold 8 beats to private buyers on there for much more than i have anywhere.
click here :
they just created a social media it should be verified soon as they are backed by industry specialists . i think its important to support the next big thing!