Futurism is a branch of social sciences. Knowledge that develops in parallel with history. Futurism grows with the passage of time and the joining of events to history daily.
In fact, futurism is a kind of knowledge that can be used for large-scale economic, social and political planning; if it is used in the proper way, it can lead to business development and human growth.
This actually happens by using past experience and moving in the right direction towards the future.
Therefore, to perceive future studies better, let’s travel a little in time and go to a time when there was no such thing as the Internet in the world. We do not need to go too far, we just need to go back to 30 years ago. You are a young person who wants to start your own business. What do you need? The first thing you need is initial capital to get started. If you do not have the initial capital, you will have a very laborious path ahead, which can make you hesitant to start your own business before it occurs.
Platforms, e-mail, telephone calls and face-to-face conversations were the only forms of human communication and interaction. With the development of apps like Slake and Microsoft Thames and countless other apps, co-workers’ interactions have changed, and now fewer people use email.

But how do these platforms differ from traditional emails? The platform mentioned earlier made video, and text content sharing much easier, and then voice and video calls added to these platforms and completely transformed business and social interactions.
Besides the help of these programs and even simpler programs, telecommuting is not a problem in the current epidemic, and anyone can choose to telecommute as their ordinary way of working by accessing the Internet and, if necessary, a job.
Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is a concept that cannot be considered isolated from the “future.” “Entrepreneurs have great potential in shaping the future, along with value creation.”
From Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Rabbani’s perspective, a top entrepreneur, lecturer and successful Iranian business manager, understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and future studies can be very effective for business owners. This talented young doctor has been able to start several successful businesses so far and trained directly by the world’s top professors such as Dr. Richard Meyer, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and Professor Malcolm McDonald.
He has officially received a coaching and teaching certificate from Jack Canfield. He also has a teaching certificate from WIFI, Austria (the most prestigious educational institution for Austrian businessmen).
One of his most renowned and creative activities is the idea of launching the Vidan skills training platform. The idea of broadcasting educational content and even television online and over the Internet was unbelievable until 10 years ago. However, the ability to stream content directly over the Internet to television has destroyed the market, and now online learning technologies are making the same change in educational markets.
To conclude, future studies help us to cultivate more constructive ideas that will make us great benefits in the future; because, future studies are a kind of comprehensive management and engineering of the future and creating opportunities to build a desirable future.