How Fashion Trends Harm Your Health?

Glamorous women and handsome men desire to expose themselves as a fashion icon in the community. But sometimes they mislead their health to downwards by adopting trendy habits. Be cautious and ne’er embrace the below badly fashionable habits. Likewise technology upgrades we must also mold over selves in a healthy manner. Don’t destruct the body health by your own arms. Being fashionable is a passion for someone but be bold while attracting towards any current trends.RemedyDeals providing home remedies for all type of health issues, stay tune to get relief naturally. Here are some trends to aware of.

Top 7 Dangerous Fashion Choices to Avoid:

High Point Heels:

Most of the women seen wearing high heels to look taller. On daily usage of high heels rapidly increases the pressure on the feet. All the body mass is placed on the balls of feet resulting in severe ankle pain, spinal cord damages. There is a high probability to skid while we walk on slippery floor which misplace the bones and differthe shape of muscles. While shopping prefer to buy short sandals.

Facing Cosmetic Surgery:

Especially women are very fond to appear like a beauty queen. In these days the rate of humans undergoing cosmetic surgeries is enhancing. In the internet we may often read health hazard symptoms the people facing after cosmetic surgery. So be very careful and think twice before wishing to have cosmetic surgery. Remember inner beauty is more precious than outer one.

Dressing With Tight Fit Jeans:

Research has shown that wearing skinny jeans whole day emits high range of health issues. These pants restricts the proper blood flow in the thigh nerves and narrower the nerves in the pelvis of men. Working gentlemen will face Tight Pant syndrome nothing but improper functioning of digestive system causing abdominal pain and gastric problems. Shape wear apparel reduce the flow of air entering the lungs turning down the focus and performance levels. 

Carrying Hefty Handbags:

We unknowingly follow this unhealthy habit. One sided bags below the elbow distributes uneven weight and pressure on the shoulders. This may improve tension in the neck and shoulder areas. Keep the unnecessary lotions and other make up products you rarely use in the home and carry money wallets.


In the olden days too people love to have tattoos on different parts of their body. The colored inks used on the time of tattoos may impact badly on skin raising infections and affecting the skin tissues in depth. Be selective and try to avoid having tattoos on sensitive parts as it may increase the risk of facing unnecessary problems.

Vibrant Colored Contact Lens:

Eyes are the very subtle organ in the body. People who usually love to wear colored contact lenses must and should consult a doctor before wearing it. If not, you must be ready to undergo permanent blindness, lower visibility, pink eye etc.

Tanning Salons:

The rate of people visit tanning salons in the US are more than 30+ millions per year. It’s not recommended to face tanning treatment over 10 times in a year. The Center for Disease Control stated that people who usually go to tanning salons will have high chances of getting skin cancer like melanoma. Exposure of eyes to UV rays will cause eye cancer and lower the texture of skin.

Bottom Line:

Espousing the day by day varying trends is good. Step towards fashion trends up to some extent. Likewise the coin has two sides, we must be capable to list out the pros and cons of any habits prior. Be an attractive human being in terms of heart and beauty. Wish you good luck!

Ingrid Hudson: