Gujarat Based entrepreneur Abhishek Panara is Ready to Launch India’s first Indian Platform Provider – Lappen

Abhishek Panara hails from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and comes from CA background. However, his skill sets expanded as he boosted up his horizon in different directions by soon getting an edge in ERP and Human Resource Development. At the same time, he developed his expertise also in social media and digital marketing making him a competent digital marketer. He dealt with a wide range of clients and brands who are ready to help to boost up their business using the web along with using digital media.

Soon, he explored other domains of the web and the latest venture is Lappen which is an online platform provider for Indian designers and companies. It is one of its kind of online platform, which helps designing people with clients and thus make things simple for their professional life. Thus one can see him making the Indians self-reliant and dependents rather than relying only on the Chinese and other foreign based platforms. Lappen will be an e-commerce kind of platform, which will help people to sell their skills and get clients.

Come October and he will be launching the same before the world. He is busy promoting the same and is soon going to showcase the same in association with Amazon, which is indeed a big achievement in his life and for the Indians who are looking for being Atma Nirbhar especially when our Prime Minister Mr. Modi has exhorted for the same. This could be a good initiative by Abhishek and he is confident to see his online platform a game changer for all. Let’s wait and watch!

Derek Robins: