Google’s Recall-like AI Capability Allows You to Browse Through Pixel Screenshots

For its Pixel 9 series, Google has unveiled Pixel Screenshots, a new AI-powered software that allows you to organize, preserve, and surface data from screenshots. Pixel Screenshot analyzes an image’s content and renders it searchable using Google’s own on-device Gemini Nano AI model.

Google demonstrated how to capture a screenshot and then add it to a collection, such as “gift ideas,” during a demo at its Pixel launch event. You can also use a keyword search, such as “bikes” or “shoes,” to browse through all of your previous screenshots. After that, Pixel Screenshots will provide all pertinent results.

Pixel Screenshots can also reveal details on the contents of an image. Therefore, you may enter in “t-shirt price” to find out the price of a shirt you screenshotted, and Pixel Screenshots will use the information it finds in your screenshots to display the information. Pixel 9 devices will be the only ones with access to the app.

Pixel Screenshots bears some similarities to Recall, a Windows feature that Microsoft postponed because to privacy issues. However, Pixel Screenshots is only able to search through the screenshots you manually take; unlike Recall, it doesn’t employ AI to scan everything on your device. Actually, it looks really helpful, and it’s good that Google lets people choose exactly what their AI is capable of processing.

Komal Patil: