
Google has redesigned the Favorite Contacts widget to make it look more straightforward but informative

Google has redesigned the Favorite Contacts widget to make it look more straightforward but informative

Recently, Google Contacts has seen some intriguing design changes and enhancements. The Individual version was recently updated to include shared location and message and call notifications. The Favorite Contacts widget is currently being redesigned by Google Contacts.

Large rectangular profile photographs were displayed in the prior design. Up to seven of your top-starred contacts could have shortcuts created for them to use in the widget.

In a recent upgrade, the user’s first and last name are now displayed beneath their circular avatar. The widget now provides a clear and uncomplicated grid style in instead of a tiled pattern. You can have a lot of favorites in there with this new layout. Though it might not be as visually appealing, it is more consistent and closely resembles the version found on the Highlights tab.

Additionally, the widget has the ability to mark birthdays with a badged icon. You may now more readily obtain more information from it because it is more readable and information-rich. The widget is still resizable, and the themed Dynamic Color background is unaltered.

The Google Contacts Favorite contacts widget is now available with its updated appearance. It comes with Google Contacts for Android version 4.45 and is accessible as a server-side update.

Recently, Google has started giving Google Contacts some updates. The app’s scroll bar was changed a few months ago to make it look less antiquated and blocky. The updated scroll bar now corresponds with the current Material You check out the sports app.

Overall, even though Google Contacts is a fairly simple program that doesn’t require a lot of glitz, it still works well when care is taken, particularly with regard to design. The Favorite Contacts widget’s new design may be straightforward, but it’s more practical—especially if you want to accommodate more users—and it blends in better with the app’s general aesthetic.

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