
Get To Know Actor Naomi Rose Pfyl With These 10 Fun Facts

Get To Know Actor Naomi Rose Pfyl With These 10 Fun Facts

Naomi Rose Pfyl is an actress fresh out of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles who is already making a big impact in the world of entertainment. From stage to the silver screen Naomi Rose Pfyl is a diverse actor oozing with leading lady flair. 

Here are 10 fun facts you probably didn’t know about Naomi Rose Pfyl

1) I was born in Zurich in Switzerland but have spent a lot of time in the Philippines. I would say at least every two years we would be in the Philippines. We would visit my Swiss grandfather on one island and Filipino relatives on a different one. Always island hopping. 

2) I grew up between horse stables and soccer fields. My sister did horse riding and my dad is a soccer coach. We would travel around the whole of Switzerland with her for her riding competitions and my dad would always find a game nearby that we could go and watch in our downtime.

3) I am a Scorpion star sign. And yes, I am really a Scorpion… whoops!

4) My favorite color used to be Lilac but now if you look in my closet, I will probably have to say beige. It grounds me somehow.

5) I am scared of ducks and swans! I grew up in Zurich which has a lake and I just never liked them. I am always scared that they may bite.

6) Food I could eat every day is CHOCOLATE! I eat it almost daily. Only when my partner stops me and says, “Don’t you want to be healthy today?” – I might not eat it!

7) My favorite board game to play with friends is, “The Settlers of Catan.” My sister and her friends introduced me this game and during COVID we played it so many times. Now we have our whole family into it especially during Christmas time. Just a couple weeks ago we organized a “Settler” evening with friends here in LA.

8) I have never visited Tokyo but would love to. I think this city must have such a cool and interesting vibe.

9) My favorite song of all time is ‘Africa’ by Toto or ‘Fast Cars’ by Tracy Chapman. Classics forever.

10) When I am not acting, I enjoy listening to audiobooks. Exploring Los Angeles and spend hours in the car finding new places.

Wanna know more fun facts about Naomi Rose Pfyl, you can follow her on InstagramTikTokFacebook or IMDb

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