
Genomics Labs: Before you Buy [GUIDE]

Genomics Labs: Before you Buy [GUIDE]

Genomics Labs is famous around the world for offering DNA testing-related services and has grown a loyal customer base around the world. If you’re looking to buy a DNA testing kit, Genomics is likely one of the options you have come across and given their good reputation, you’re probably looking to make a purchase from them. 

But before you do, there are certain things you should be aware of and certain steps you should take during the buying process to make sure that you get the best possible results and have the easiest time with your purchase and your use.

  1. Choose Your Kit: 

Genomics Labs is known not just for their innovative services but also for their variety of DNA testing kits, all of which have various advantages to them. Saying that you are buying a testing kit from Genomics is a vague statement as they are multiple ones to choose from. 

There is the very basic package that only gives raw DNA data and there are packages with breakdowns of DNA makeup and some that explore genetic predispositions in terms of health. One of the most important things to consider when buying a kit is what your needs are. If you only need raw DNA data, you should choose the basic plan.

If you need to test familial relationships such as paternity, another kit would be better for you. If you are trying to get information on your genetic predispositions for health reasons, another kit might be better. Before you make a choice, log on to the Genomics Labs website and explore all the different kit options and what they offer. This will allow you to choose the kit that will best serve your needs.

  1. Buy From the Source: 

DNA testing kits are sold in a variety of places from the brand’s website to places like Amazon. It is best, however, to purchase your Genomics Lab kit directly from the official Genomics Labs website. This way, you can be sure that you are getting a completely authentic product as some fakes do exist on the market. 

Additionally, it is often cheaper seeing as there are no additional fees incurred by middlemen. Finally, you have better access to customer service directly to guide both your buying choice as well as your testing and returning of the kit.

  1. Plan Your Sample Collection: 

Genomics Labs kits, like all testing kits, require you to take your own genetic sample at home and then mail the kit back to the labs. Ahead of this, you should plan how your sample is going to be collected. Usually, the sample required is a swab of the inside of your cheek and most people are able to do this by themselves. 

If you feel like you may not be able to or uncomfortable doing so, ask a friend or family member ahead of time to make sure there is someone to help you collect your sample. Also, make sure you read all instructions regarding sample collection as well as how the sample should be packaged and sent back. This is to avoid it being contaminated and your results voided.

  1. Locate a Post Office: 

Once collected, your genetic samples have to be packaged and mailed back to the Genomics Labs site. Your kit will contain a pre-stamped package envelope that your genetic sample will be placed in and mailed through. 

Before you buy, confirm that there is a post office nearby or one that you have access to so that you can mail your sample. While the kit will be delivered to your doorstep, the kit will not be picked up from your doorstep following collection and it is best to make sure ahead of time that you can actually return the kit when needed.

  1. Ask Questions:  

Ultimately, the needs of every consumer are different and you might still have questions or concerns about using the DNA testing kit. Thankfully, Genomics Labs has both a chat option, an official customer service email, and phone numbers that you can call. If you are unsure about anything or simply need some guidance, reach out to the Genomics Lab support team and they will give you all the answers that you need.

Genomics Labs has a reputation for being a convenient and easy-to-use service among its customers. At the same time, it is important that you keep the above tips in mind before you purchase a kit from them, and of course, reach out to their support staff if any questions still abound. This will make sure that your experience with them is as positive as possible and that you get the results that you are looking for.

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