Do you like pizza? Giuseppe Villani reveals some secrets

Giuseppe Villani was born on 25 October 1996 in Chiari, from a young age he attended the school address to become a cook up to actually becoming a Pizza chef; thanks to the study I have always refined and deepened

plus the cooking basics to strengthen his pizzas more and more.

Today at the age of 25, together with his family, he is a successful entrepreneur.

To make a pizza, the usual procedures are not enough but it takes time and dedication, in his case all this sacrifice has led him to be award-winning and loved on all social networks.

In the life between one pizza and another he creates videos that on tiktok generate over 20,000 video views, becoming a real icon.

His talent? Just think that Villani won as 1st classified at the World Pizza Championship (World Team 2019) becoming a power to take as an example.

The secret also lies in failure, Villani says: “The difficulties are daily, but I learned from myself that if a pizza is

burns you take it and do it again, without being afraid of having lost everything.

In short, it is really true it is not only important to win but also to fall and get up to date is positioned with numerous restaurants throughout Italy and was invited to the Sanremo festival to cook his beloved pizzas for the VIPs present at this famous event.

Villani is therefore a guarantee and is ready to fulfill one of his main dreams, to bring his dough and his working method to northern Italy as well.

The real secret to having a successful pizza is to do like Giuseppe, learn the basics, learn to know how to start over and overcome all obstacles and challenges by always trying again.

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