Digital Expert Jatin Chonkar shares his 4 valuable tips for Growth in Digital Entrepreneurship .

The way people use data has changed over time, and marketing techniques have evolved with it. The digital sensation is already taking place now. It’s time to jump onto the trend. With the willingness and zest to step aside from the crowd and create his own space in the industry has brought Jatin Chonkar so far . Jatin Chonkar is a Digital Entrepreneur from Mumbai and is the founder of Indian Ladder &  Ancient Media. For all those aspiring to be digital entrepreneurs and not getting suitable advice , below are 4 of the digital entrepreneurship tips by the India’s most Renowned Young Entrepreneur Jatin Chonkar  .

  1. Follow passion

The first and very foremost thing, aspirants looking to start their online venture should do is go behind their passion. Their foremost focus should be on taking themselves near to their passion. No doubt, one can easily Generate income working for others. However, one should seek job satisfaction. So it is better to pick the business that will take them closer to their passion.

  • stop learning

Knowledge is the most important thing which is essential inorder to succeed in life . Learning is required for our existence. Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our intellect . I know many of them who started their business but are not aware about how to grow it . And that’s How Entrepreneurs fail , due to lack of knowledge .

  • Approach towards Opportunities

Entrepreneurship is larger than life aspires , not only because of the cool lifestyle it has allowed some to have. It is so also because it has helped people solve current problems. And to solve a real problem, you don’t have to set your eyes beyond your community. Once you start approaching, you’ll be able to see the opportunities that are exactly in front of your eyes and zero-in on their potential as a business prospect. People wait for the opportunity to directly meet & greet them . But definitely , this is not going to happen . When u are on your starting period you need to Start approaching yourself .

  • Understands what Success is

Your success can’t be determined by your competition or even by the opinions of people or consultant or experts. It is best determined by comparing your stats and analytics from one quarter or year, to the next. Your growth is only measured against yourself. Always Keep in mind that I want to be more better tomorrow than yesterday.

So above Were some tips by Jatin Chonkar , & if you want to be a digital Entrepreneur Applying these basic tips are very much Important. Currently Jatin Is gaining a lot of fame & respect in the digital industry as an PR Strategist & Digital Entrepreneur .

Derek Robins: