Sometimes people may encounter with this question that, what is the differences between a business man or a trader and an entrepreneur?

A real entrepreneur has this ability to see a position and discover its potential opportunities or even notice an issue and solve it by facing that problem. Let’s review a real memory to illustrate this subject better.

The story is about a person who was walking in New York with his wife around THOMPSON local, his wife entered to a shop store and bought her ideal hat to attend a conference, the shop offered a box to protect the hat from damages, the beautiful boxes that grantee your hat safety was a wonderful idea, the shop manager made an interesting contract with a box manufacturing company to make boxes that are specialized to keep hats safe.

Now consider that if she was just an ordinary owner and a trader who had only this aim to sale her products and didn’t care about hats’ breakdown and failures, then she wouldn’t progress in her job. Only this example can totally help you to know a real entrepreneur well.

As a matter of fact the entrepreneur not even endeavors to progress for his company but also subconsciously causes entrepreneurship and provides employment for other fellowships, and this stimulates the global entrepreneurial and startup community, but somehow there can be a businessman or ordinary salesman who only pursuing his own personal benefits and greater profits.

Obviously what we mention in entrepreneurship depiction is not certainly similar to what is taught in international universities. It’s rather likely about attempting to respond concerns and challenges that have been gained by gathering and analyzing the opinion and perspectives of other employees and friends.

Mostly people ask me what the definition of an entrepreneur in my mind is?! I believe that what they want to know is the quality that distinguishes a real entrepreneur from other traders. I had wide researches and had taught about it a lot and by concluding my disquisition understood that if I was limited to choose only one ability in an entrepreneur it would be the ability to see individual issues in a business. A real entrepreneur can look at the situation and find a chance or a solution to a problem or create a path around obstacles that for some reason others have not seen it and thereby missed the opportunity.

An investor is a person who invests his capital in a business in hope of earning the expected return. Hereby, it can be considered that the only risk an investor takes is financial risk, which means that it does not achieve the expected return (and it may even incur large losses at times, for example, it cannot receive its principal), but the entrepreneur face multiple risks in addition to financial risk, it accepts risks such as bankruptcy, competitive risks, environmental risks, reputational risks, and political and economic risks, and the risk of putting their social prestige in danger, so the entrepreneur is exposed to the acceptance and tolerance of wider risks, which he accepted despite all these risks in order to be able to use personal capital or founders to create Value and start a business.

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