Award-Winning Storytelling Agency Travels the Country Shooting Ads for Clients

You have an amazing product but can’t seem to make any sales.

Why is this?
It’s most likely because (1) you don’t have a digital sales funnel or (2) you have a crappy digital sales funnel.

What’s a digital sales funnel?
A digital sales funnel is a precise process in which digital assets like videos and other forms of media are utilized to take a potential customer from being aware of a product, to interested in a product, to purchasing that product. All of this takes place online.

Though becoming increasingly popular, 68% of companies have not attempted to use a sales funnel, and the same survey showed that 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales. Without a working sales funnel, it’s near impossible to convert leads into sales.

Platinum Peek Productions is a digital storytelling agency that specializes in creating ads to be used in sales funnels. This award-winning agency, owned and operated by brothers, Eriksen and Soren Dickens, have built their reputation on creating video content that helps convert leads into sales for their clients.

They are also known for their award-winning documentary, Two Magic Drops, of which they released earlier this year. The film was selected to a multitude of international film festivals, winning awards at three.

“Aside from making films on our own, we work with clients in a variety of industries,” Soren Dickens says. “Lawyers, real estate agents, course creators, dentists, chiropractors, salon owners, tax planners, and more. Even though they’re selling different products and services, they use video in their sales funnel the same way.”

In the last couple months, the younger Dickens has traveled to Ohio, Idaho, Florida, Washington, Utah, Kentucky, and Hawaii shooting ads for clients.

“Sales funnel videos come down to a few important ingredients,” Dickens says. “A strong script that includes a hook, the problem, and the solution to that problem. Good visuals. Catchy music that creates a sense of urgency. Mix in a strong call to action and you’re going to see results.”

Once a person opts into your funnel, they will arrive at your landing page. Research shows that using videos on landing pages can improve conversions by 86%. This is normally in the form of a Video Sales Letter (VSL).

“A VSL thoroughly explains your product, the problem it solves, overcomes objections, and explains why you need to make a purchase. Research indicates longer sales letters work more effectively than shorter ones,” Soren says.

If you can’t convert them and they leave your landing page, you can also hit them with retargeting ads or video content distributed through emails.

“Retargeting ads are ads that are targeted at consumers who have visited your landing page but did not purchase your offer,” Soren says. “Targeting and testing correctly can boost conversions by 300% or more.”

Creating video content is one thing. Creating video content that directly drives conversions for clients is another. Platinum Peek Productions has set out to help their clients actually generate more revenue.

“You can’t just place a little promo video on your website and hope to see more sales,” Dickens says. “You first need a series of videos that leads consumers to your website. You’re wasting your money if you don’t have a thorough plan on how to leverage your video content.”

The Dickens brothers plan on continuing to expand their business throughout the country, building their brand, and helping clients achieve their dreams.

Follow the journey at @platinumpeek, @sorendickens, @eriksendickens

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