A study finds that eating two kiwis a day can replace the need for vitamin C supplements

A recent study suggests that eating more kiwis may help you stop taking vitamin C supplements.

Consuming two SunGold kiwifruit per day for six weeks raised ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) intake by 150 mg daily, according to new research published last month in Foods.1.
Bentley-Hewitt K, McGhie T, Mishra S, et al. A randomized, cross-over, exploratory intervention trial examined the effects on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers after consuming two sungold kiwis per day for six weeks.

Researchers found that taking this amount of vitamin C on a daily basis has several health benefits and does away with the need for supplements.

Board-certified family medicine specialist Laura Purdy, MD, MBA, told Health that “kiwifruit is known to boost your immune system.” “The best way to prevent contracting the virus during the cold and flu season is to have a robust immune system.”
Only 24 healthy guys between the ages of 25 and 60 who had no history of type 1 or type 2 diabetes or glucose intolerance participated in this small-scale trial on the consequences of eating kiwifruit every day, but the results were encouraging.

The individuals not only improved their intake of fiber and vitamin C levels, but they also did not experience any unfavorable effects on their inflammatory or metabolic indicators.1.

This indicates that unless you have a kiwifruit allergy, it is safe to eat kiwifruit on a daily basis without experiencing any negative metabolic effects. It’s odd, Purdy said, that allergies to kiwifruit are not uncommon.

“It’s important to consult with your doctor if you notice any allergy symptoms,” she stated. “This comprises a scratchy throat, nausea, a swollen tongue, difficulty swallowing, hives, and breathing difficulties.”

Here’s how eating kiwis on a daily basis can increase vitamin C levels and improve general health.

Vitamin C-Packed SunGold Kiwis

When it comes to vitamin C, kiwis excel.

Most people may think of increasing their intake of oranges or supplements when they want to increase their vitamin C levels.

However, the SunGold kiwis utilized in this study have the maximum vitamin C content per gram, according to Jacqueline Wyman, MS, RDN, CDN, owner of Jacqueline Wyman Nutrition LLC in Westchester, New York, and registered dietitian nutritionist.

“You can be certain that you are getting the recommended amount of vitamin C by adding one or two kiwis per day,” Wyman said.

She clarified that eating kiwis can supplement a less nutrient-dense snack in addition to their high vitamin C content, which can enhance general nutrition and wellbeing.

Wyman states that an 80 g portion of SunGold kiwis has 130 mg of vitamin C. The green variation is little smaller and has 70 mg of vitamin C.

“If you enjoy kiwifruit, they are a great source for meeting your daily requirement of vitamin C,” she said.

Kiwifruit’s Effect on the Flu and Cold
Despite having high vitamin C content, there is no evidence on whether or not kiwifruit can keep you from getting sick with the flu or cold.

Scientist and researcher Linus Pauling first proposed that eating big doses of vitamin C could prevent colds in the 1970s. Pauling estimated that a daily consumption of 1,000 mg of vitamin C could cut the incidence of colds by approximately 45%.3.

Since then, nevertheless, other clinical trials have not been able to corroborate its effectiveness.

That being said, kiwifruit consumption may help to lessen the duration of a cold, according to a 2012 study.

Researchers discovered that compared to the control group, those who consumed four gold kiwis daily had less acute congestion and painful throat symptoms. In addition, the individuals who consumed kiwis every day reported that their cold symptoms subsided more quickly than those in the control group.5.

There are other advantages to kiwifruit consumption.

Studies have shown that eating kiwis on a daily basis can lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, and raise HDL cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol. And when consumed with meals high in iron, gold kiwis in particular may help those who suffer from anemia raise their iron levels.Six

Smaller doses of vitamin C are more easily absorbed than one high amount, like that of a supplement, so include kiwis in your regular routine this winter, advises Wyman.

As part of a lunchtime snack or dessert, she advises individuals to use kiwis together with other fruits and vegetables that are higher in vitamin C.

Increasing Your Wintertime Vitamin C Intake
Wyman contends that consuming a range of fruits and vegetables is a better source of vitamin C than taking pills as whole foods have many other advantages.

“It’s interesting to note that [researchers] state that it’s difficult to separate the benefits of vitamin C with the synergistic effect of all the components in fruit and vegetables, like fiber, folate, magnesium, and potassium,” she said in reference to studies on vitamin C and the prevention or treatment of disease.

If you want to increase your vitamin C intake but hate kiwis or have an allergy to them, you can also get vitamin C from a variety of other foods.

Increasing Your Wintertime Vitamin C Intake

Wyman contends that consuming a range of fruits and vegetables is a better source of vitamin C than taking pills as whole foods have many other advantages.

Wyman stated that aside from oranges, bell peppers of all hues are rich in vitamin C, with orange bell peppers having the highest concentration.

“Moreover, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, strawberries, and pineapple all contain about the same amount of vitamin C,” the speaker stated.

Sanchita Patil: