Life is a place of learning. Those who are constantly trying to work on themselves get to walk the greener grass, so to speak. According to motivational speaker Michael Timothy Johnson(MTJ), the secret to making it to the other side, to success, lies in overcoming one’s inhibitions. Through his lectures and online courses, MTJ hopes to help young men get the better of their inhibitions and, in the process, become better individuals themselves.
Our fears and inhibitions limit our potential. They magnify our faults and distract us away from our strengths. MTJ says, “Fear can be an overwhelming emotion. It can paralyze our logical abilities and the potential to think clearly. It can lead to inhibition, and it’s often out of fear-induced inhibitions that people make bad decisions and then suffer from unpleasant consequences. Those who choose inhibition and fear over the other emotions they have in their emotional toolbox, so to speak, any more than they should, develop fear as a habit. Then their interaction with the world begins and ends with it. They are not able to see life as it is but only as their fear and inhibition makes them see it.” He further adds, “There’s always something that we find ourselves unable to do. Inability, however, need not become an inhibition. The inability can be reversed. Things can be learned and we can teach ourselves to become able and willing.”
Some of the best real-life stories came to be when people overcame their inhibitions and their fear of failing. MTJ says, “Fears can be overcome. So many figures from history went on to become great when they decided to overcome their inhibitions and face their fears no matter what form they came in. How did they do it? Well, the aspects that seem to run common in such lives are self-reliance and a desire for freedom of one kind or another. To overcome our inhibitions we, too, must seek freedom from consequences that come from making fear-led decisions.”
Fear is coded into all of us right from birth. It has its place in the world. However, when it starts to encroach upon other useful emotions and comes in the way of self-improvement, it can have unpleasant consequences. However, with the right guidance and a just pinch of self-motivation and self-love, one can put unhealthy fears and misleading inhibitions to rest.
Michael Timothy Johnson: “The secret to finding success lies in overcoming your inhibitions.”